Sunday, August 29, 2010

PACK RATS!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I opened my kitchen drawer where I keep all my kitchen towels and stuff and guess what I found!!! 
I had not been in this drawer for a couple of weeks and I had to laugh at what I found! The pack rats had gotten into the drawer and started using one of my oven mitts as a storage unit! Gee, I wonder how much rent I should charge it! lolol  I really have no idea where it got into the sunflower seeds, unless we left a bag of them out open somewhere. It had to have been Michael because I don't remember leaving anything like that around! The cat food is easy of course. The bits of fluff is the inside stuffing of the mitt. That mitt was stuffed completely full!

Needless to say, I had to pull all of the towels and re-wash them and I burned the mitts, then I let Mowgli prowl around for a couple of days. I haven't seen anything lately but...
Mike says that it looks like the animals are beginning to store early, that means an early and possibly long, cold winter! Already at the higher elevations we are begining to get some snow. It's not sticking...yet. I have had to pull out all of Mike's cold weather clothes so he won't freeze at work.

I'm not putting any bets on it yet. I just hope Mike and I are out of here before then. That 5th wheel doesn't have a polar package on it and we are already starting to go through propane for the heater to keep it warm at night.

I'll keep ya'll up to date as things unfold!