The other day when I was out repairing our road into the property I looked up to take a little breather and low and behold topping the rise was Bahghera. He had walked about a ¼ mile up the road to catch up to me and see what I was doing. While I was busy filling holes with rocks and dirt he sniffed around and explored the general area while the dogs ran around in circles chasing chipmunks. Even when it started raining really hard and we headed back to the property Bahghera trotted along behind the 4-wheeler trailer and was rewarded with a towel-down and got to stay in the camper fort he rest of the day in front of the propane heater.
Today I decided to take the dogs for a walk down to the spot next to the river that I found yesterday. It’s a really cool spot where a little creek branches off from the river during the high flow. It will probably be dry during the summer when the river drops. On our way out I was just looking around, getting my bearings, and saw that Bahghera was following us! This cat has no fear! He followed us around until the trail ended at an upslope and we headed back.
Today the sun is partially out and he has decided he wants to stay outside and sleep on the snowmobiles. Maybe he’ll catch another rat/mouse or two. So far we are not having anymore incidents of something nibbling all our toilet paper away inside the camper so I’m thinking he got the culprit!
Before we moved up here I was kind of worried about him because he has lost a lot of weight and he wasn’t looking so good but since we’ve been here, he looks like he’s filling out a little and seems to have a little more energy. I think this move has been good for all of us!
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