Okay, so this is the mountain above our little piece of property and the white stuff kind of misting over the top of it is…..yes, SNOW!!!
It is June 17th and it is SNOWING at the 6,000’ level! And boy, it was ice cold rain at our level. I was riding on the 4-wheeler and took the picture from the bridge that is just before our road when it started coming down. When is winter going to let go??
In consolation, the week end is supposed to be sunny and nice. Maybe I’ll get to bring out the shorts again! It really stinks having to wear the same jeans multiple days in a row that your dog spilled sugary sweet coffee on when he tried to jump in the truck! (Thanks, Fionn) We don’t have the convenience of just throwing them in the laundry and washing them up, especially since I only have a couple of pairs. If the sun was out I probably would have washed them the old fashioned way and just threw them in the river and let the river wash them for me! I told Mike that once he started getting a paycheck from the drilling company that I want to start replacing my old city clothes with some heavy duty Carhart or Berne clothes! You can wear their heavy canvas jeans that are all reinforced with double wall knees and crap like that forever! I know a couple of people up here in YP that have pants like that and have worn the same pair for years and they are just starting to show signs of wear and tear! My only other choice is to wear my heavy duty bibs all the time. I guess they aren’t much different but it’s harder to undo all the hardware just to pee and then try to get them back on in a reasonable amount of time. Yes, I do sometimes have to pee in the woods! Fact of life.
Okay, gotta put the heater on high. My feet are freezing. I bought a pair of faux fur lined Crocs before we moved up here. They kind of remind me of little Dutch shoes except they aren’t made of wood. Anyway, they are super comfortable and the fur keeps my feet warm but I’ve had to take them off because somewhere I picked up some dog poo and dragged it through the camper. I was bent over, straightening the couch up and kept smelling poo. So I thought maybe it was the cats or something and decided to spray down the couch with some Fabreeze. I know, sounds gross but again, no easy access to a washer! Give me some slack! Well, thank goodness it turned out to be the poo on my shoe instead of poo on the couch so you can breathe easy now….